Animals in Science

The RSPCA believes that much more can, and should, be done to avoid animal use, and to reduce the suffering of laboratory animals. It has been estimated that more than 100 million animals are used annually in experiments worldwide, including nearly four million in the UK. 

Lab Animals in the UK

It's estimated that more than 100 million animals are used in experiments each year across the world. Attitudes to animals, and the legislation in place regarding their use and welfare, vary widely between countries.

In the UK, the use of animals in experiments is regulated by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 - which is administered by the Animals in Science Regulation Unit of the Home Office.

Under this law, all breeding and use of animals has to be carried out in licensed premises. The research itself has to be set out in a project licence application, which is submitted to the Home Office for authorisation, and the people carrying out the research also have to be licensed.

Over 77% of UK adults agree that the UK Government should commit to phasing out the use of animals in scientific research and testing

Our Asks for Government

  1. 1 Agree that phasing out animal use in science is a desirable goal
  2. 2 Show leadership and commitment to achieving this with clear plans