Our strategy to 2030

The RSPCA has a long and proud history at the forefront of animal welfare in England, Wales and internationally. For nearly 200 years, the RSPCA has been there for animals, and we'll remain dedicated to this cause, to 2030 and beyond.


Our vision

Our vision is a world where all animals are respected and treated with kindness and compassion. Our mission is to ensure animals have a good life by rescuing and caring for those in need, by advocating on behalf of all animals and by inspiring everyone to treat them with compassion and respect. Our strategy to 2030 will build on this strong platform as we look towards our 200th anniversary in 2024 and the years that follow.

Caring in a changing world

The world is changing at a rapid pace; from the growing climate emergency and the post-Brexit trade environment, to the recognition of loneliness in our society and the changing nature of how we live, work and interact, not least as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. That's why we're introducing this bold, ambitious strategy - to put ourselves in the best possible place to improve the lives of even more animals.

Our bold ambitions to 2030

Reduce animal neglect and cruelty by half

Stop illegal puppy and kitten trading

See more than half of all UK farm animals reared to RSPCA welfare standards
End severe suffering for animals used in science
Secure legal protection for animals. Establish an Animal Protection Commission
Achieve statutory powers in England and Wales for RSPCA inspectors
Secure a UN declaration for animals.
Inspire a one million-strong movement for animal welfare by 2030

We can't do it alone

In late 2019, the RSPCA produced a report at the request of the Welsh Government, outlining the role statutory powers could play for its frontline rescuers - and achieving such powers is a focal point of the new Strategy. It is hoped the next Welsh Government will continue this work to enable the RSPCA to be better equipped and accountable, and ease the historic bureaucratic burden currently placed on other public bodies, by supporting giving RSPCA officers powers under the Animal Welfare Act.

The RSPCA's core work of advocacy and prevention through information, advice and education are also a strong focus of the strategy with the charity aiming to reach half of million young people in England and Wales with animal welfare messages by 2030. Wales is switching to a new curriculum from 2022 - and the RSPCA plans to issue new resources to support schools and learners understand more about animal welfare, as part of the Wales' new Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLEs).