Responsible Dog Ownership and Welfare

There are a number of welfare issues associated with dog control and indeed this is also inextricably linked to irresponsible dog ownership issues around breeding and overpopulation, as well as straying and identification. 

The RSPCA was disappointed when the Welsh Government suspended their Dog Control Bill in favour of measures from Westminster, as it contained unique education and awareness elements for dogs owners. Until its suspension, work with stakeholders - including the RSPCA - was progressing well and sadly this contained areas not covered by the UK Government's Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act.

In 2014 the then Minister for Natural Resources & Food, Alun Davies AM announced that the RSPCA would head up a Task & Finish Group to examine the education and awareness needs of dog owners in Wales and RSPCA Cymru was tasked by the Welsh Government to publish a Review of Responsible Dog Ownership. The report took verbal and written evidence from a range of stakeholders including animal welfare charities, elected representatives and public sector organisations. The report was submitted to the Deputy Minister for Farming and Food in March 2016 and was accompanied by a press release.

The RSPCA believes that dog control measures should now be introduced within the Sixth Senedd, to accompany recent dog breeding legislation  - and to ensure responsible dog ownership is tacked in light of the large increase in the number of owned dogs over 2020/2021.