Responsible Dog Ownership and Welfare

RSPCA Cymru has long shared the concerns of MSs and the wider public around irresponsible dog ownership, and is keen to work towards establishing an effective approach that protects both human and animal welfare.

RSPCA Cymru is especially supportive of measures that seek to promote public safety, improve animal welfare, promote the need for responsible dog ownership, and improve public awareness. Issues around responsible dog ownership are inherently complex, and it is important that it is promoted and recognised accordingly. RSPCA Cymru agrees that strong action is needed to protect animal welfare and promote safety among the public.

Following a number of serious and fatal attacks in recent years, RSPCA Cymru has been calling on the Welsh Government to launch a relevant public awareness campaign. We believe a proactive approach that reminds dog owners in Wales of their legal obligations to keep their animals under control in all places, at all times would be a viable course of action for the Welsh Government to take. As part of a public awareness campaign, the Welsh Government could actively encourage the Welsh public to seek advice if they are concerned about their dog's behaviour or someone else's. Other elements of responsible dog ownership could also be covered by a Wales-wide public awareness campaign, while advising owners where to find resources and turn to for advice.

The Welsh Government provides relevant guidance and advice through its Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs, which can be found below. Better promotion of the code and guidance as part of a Welsh Government led public awareness campaign could improve accessibility for dog owners, with a potential for it to be built upon further.