Bovine TB

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) affects a number of animals - mostly notably, cattle and badgers. The disease has devastating consequences for animal welfare, as well as serious economic implications for both farmers and the Welsh Government. The RSPCA fully supports the objective to eradicate bTB from Wales - but we remain opposed to the culling of wildlife as a means of controlling bovine TB in cattle due to a lack of scientific consensus in relation to its effectiveness.

The RSPCA is opposed, in principle, to the taking or killing of any wild animal or the infliction of suffering upon them. Exceptions to this principle are dependent on an assessment of the evidence and whether there are alternative methods of resolving problems. In relation to bovine TB, while there is clearly a disease problem on farms, the RSPCA considers cattle-based measures combined with vaccinating badgers to be a more appropriate way of addressing the problem. This is why we strongly support the Welsh Government's current strategy which includes both elements while forbidding the culling of badgers to control the spread of TB in cattle.

The Wales TB Eradication Programme Delivery Plan 2023-2028 aims for Wales to be officially TB free by 2041. RSPCA Cymru fully supports this aim while continuing to urge the current and future Welsh Governments to focus on methods which do not include the mass culling of badgers - one of our oldest and most iconic species of wildlife.